
Tax calendar. January-February 2020

January 15, 2020


📃 SZV-M for December, 2019 - is handed over by all insurers (the organizations and SP with employees)

💰 Payment of insurance premiums (social, pension, medical) for December, 2019


📃 The Uniform Simplified Tax Declaration (USTD) for 2019 - hand over the organizations and the SP applying the general system of taxation (OSNO) which have no subjects to taxation and there are no turnovers of bank and cash desk. EUND replaces income tax ...


Overdraft. A look into history

December 13, 2019

A type of short-term loan in which a client can make a payment from his account that exceeds the balance. The overdraft system has been around for almost 300 years. The owners of the Royal Bank of Scotland were the first to come up with such a service in 1728. Edinburgh's bank branch has offered Scottish merchant William Hogue a loan of £ 1,000 from the bank. She exceeded his account balance. From this date, it is customary to count the history of the overdraft.


Tax blocked Bank account: the cause and solution to the problem

August 17, 2017

The FTS (tax agency) has the right to block the company's current account. What can cause blocking of the account? How to fix the situation in the shortest possible time?

Reporting handed over at the wrong time
If you submit a tax return a couple of days later than the deadline, blocking the Bank account of the taxpayer is not threatened. In the worst case, he will be issued a fine of at least 1 000 rubles (Art. 119 of the CRIMINAL code). But if the Declaration is delayed for 10 days or ...


You can free from insurance premiums any daily allowance of traveling employees

May 30, 2017

The subsistence allowance was released from contributions in the same amount as from personal income tax. That is 700 rubles for trips around Russia and 2500 rubles for abroad. On the per diem, which the company pays employees with traveling nature of work, this restriction does not apply (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia from 14.04.17 No. 03-04-06 / 22286). Therefore, the company has the right to establish in the local act any daily allowances and do not pay contributions.


Order a new cashier now to avoid a fine

May 15, 2017

Order an online cashier sooner, in time to implement it in the process of work before July 1. Officials will not move the deadline or soften the transition to new cash registers. In a month and a half, the inspectors will begin to fine companies that have not purchased an online CCP.

If after July 1, 2017 the organization continues to work on the old CCP, tax officers will be fined from 75 to 100 percent of the purchase price, but not less than 30,000 rubles (Article 14.5 of the Code of ...
