Monthly Archives: July 2020

Life Hack: How to clarify the declaration and at the same time not run into a fine

July 30, 2020

Tax acts on the principle: In the morning money, in the evening declaration. In the evening money, in the morning declaration.

If you need to make a tax adjustment to the surcharge, first pay the missing tax amount, and then send the declaration. Preferably 2-3 days after payment, the money will definitely go to your personal account before receiving a new declaration.

If you do the opposite, first send the declaration, and then the money, then the fine cannot be avoided (Article 119 of ...


Credit trap

July 9, 2020

Banks began to refuse to extend loans to some of our customers, citing ridiculous reasons like: "Sorry, we underwent a restructuring, when transferring data from the department to the department, confusion arose and the new head did not approve of the loan to you" or "Our manager unexpectedly changed, the old manager transferred the cases incorrectly, and we mistakenly closed you overdraft." And in all cases: "But do not worry, submit a new application, and we will consider it."

And nothing ...
